Adi Alani Tuivucilevu
Advocating for the socio-economic empowerment and recognition of women in the sustainable fisheries sector.
Adi Alani Tuivucilevu is an advocate for an environmentally sustainable, economically viable fisheries sector in which women fishers play an equal and valued role in Fiji and across the Pacific region. Through her leadership in the Women in Fisheries Network (WiFN), operating across ten provinces in Fiji and the region, Alani collaborates with scientists, gender practitioners, NGOs, and community members to acknowledge women’s contributions in fisheries and address the escalating challenges posed by climate change, particularly how it intensifies the burdens faced by women engaged in fisheries work. WiFN’s approach is localized, engaging with village women's organizations, conducting needs assessments, and collaboratively designing projects to address these issues in consultation with the government. Alani’s main role is to build these partnerships, between the private sector, government, and communities to inform evidence-based gender equity policies. She seeks to leverage the Scholars program to transition women in Fiji from the informal sector to the formal sector, allowing for women’s increased participation in the private sector through the development of a national business incubator program.
Alani holds a bachelor’s degree in marine science from the University of the South Pacific in Fiji. She participated in the US-Pacific Institute for Rising Leaders Fellowship with Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and the Pacific Fisheries Leadership Program with The Pacific Community.